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Katri Niskanen

Soulmates on Katrin ensimmäinen Lumoavalle suunnittelema korusarja. Soulmates juhlistaa nimensä mukaisesti ystävyyttä – syvää sielunkumppanuutta kahden ihmisen välillä. Sarjan riipukset ja rannekorut kantavat kolmea eri viestiä: Always be you, Memories stay forever ja My unicorn.

Soulmates-korut ovat merkityksellisiä lahjoja omalle sielunkumppanille, mutta niiden avulla voi muistuttaa myös itseään elämän tärkeistä asioista. Ole oma itsesi.

Always be you
There is confidence in knowing that there is no one else in this world exactly like you. For you are unique. You burn bright. You illuminate the darkest corners of the universe. Embrace your strengths. Transform your weaknesses. The world is yours. Let magic into your life and watch your dreams unfold.

Memories stay forever
Time may be fleeting, but your memories are everlasting. Your life is a story. Cherish it. Savor it. Share it. Adore every chapter. Celebrate every wondrous moment. Let it become an endless spring of joy, of discovery. Indulge in your adventures. Your memories are your proudest and dearest moments. Hold onto them forever.

My unicorn
You are my unicorn. When I found you, I found myself. It is no coincidence that we discovered each other. Our shared memories define our destiny. Even if life separates us, we are never far apart. Your soul shines bright deep inside. Your light is eternal. It is the glimmer in my eyes. Together we are one. May your flame burn bright for evermore.

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